Le nouveau single du duo électro français Justice, Civilization, est disponible en première exclusivité ce 28 mars sur la plateforme iTunes, annonce le label Because. Une sortie sur d’autres plateformes est attendue le 4 avril prochain.

Texte et Paroles Civilization, Justice (lyrics)
Stand in line as we march to the drums of the east
Paralyzed and possessed by crusaders deceased
Lost in the silence, the call from the turbulent times
Bound by the science that lives on... that lives on the wise
[Refrain] (x2)
The beating of a million drums
The fire of a million guns
The mother of a million sons
Lost in the silence, they bow to the call of the east
Tantalized and seduced by the demons released
Ears to the ground by the name of the merciless guide (sky)
Onto the fire that burns in the all seeing eye
[Refrain] (x4)
Ecoutez le single de Justice : Civilization.
Clip officiel vidéo Civilization de Justice sur Youtube :